Fun at the Mid Somerset Festival!

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Kathy Farrell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 22 Mar 2025

Not ones to blend in with the crowd, the Black Sheep embarked upon one of our more challenging exploits last weekend and that was to sing in the prestigious Mid Somerset Festival in Bath.

Challenging, not only because we were setting ourselves up to compete with some of the best choruses from the Southwest, but also because we had chosen to sing two highly complex songs, sung in pure choral style; a vast departure from our usual barbershop style of singing.

Our rendition of Edvard Grieg’s “In The Hall Of The Mountain King” and “Sleep” -  Eric Whittaker’s setting of a poem by Charles Anthony Silvestri , was well received by the audience and the adjudicator alike and we were awarded a very respectable ‘Honours’ recognition.

We thoroughly enjoyed listening to all the other choirs sing their many and varied range of songs, but special mention must go to our ‘sisters in harmony’ Bristol Fashion Chorus, who scooped up the awards with their entertaining and dynamic repertoire.

The afternoon was topped off with a meal, just a few drinks (?) and a bit of a sing song at Browns Brasserie and all within the beautiful city of Bath. Top class!

And a great prelude to our next adventure - we are competing in the prestigious Llangollen Eistedffod in July!

Noey McElwee